Mission Statement:

The Southern Atlantic Conservatory of Music (SACM) is a world-class, tuition-free performing arts institution with renowned artist faculty providing an all-inclusive education to exceptionally gifted musicians as performers, pedagogues, and global entrepreneurs while contributing to the advancement and promotion of the arts through local, regional, national, and global outreach and internships.

Message from the President

We at the Southern Atlantic Conservatory of Music have a passion for music that goes beyond the experience of performing, composing, or teaching. It is an overarching belief that music (and all arts) can have an unimaginable effect on the lives of all people. Our creative vision is not only to provide a unique curriculum to talented and qualified students, but to then integrate this with an unprecedented local, regional, and global outreach program to share with minority, underserved, and high-needs areas with limited access to quality instruction, performances, and other collaborative musical experiences.

Music has the ability to “light up” one’s imagination and provoke a level of thinking that incorporates interest, unexpectedness, and possibilities. To ignite passions in a concentrated manner can and has led to some of the greatest discoveries and achievements in the history of the world. Artists have inspired people to pursue meaningful paths in their lives as the initial sparks of interest often occur as a result of art itself – a passage from a poem; a musical moment; or a portrait that speaks a thousand words.

As human beings living in an evolving world with endless, boundless discoveries, let us not take for granted the indescribable impact that the arts have on society. Whether it be the visionary discoveries of past, present, and future scientists; the engineering and architectural wonders throughout the world; or the seamless fluency of a mathematical formula, the correlations between Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and artistic creations are undeniably intertwined. Therefore, it is vital that we foster, embrace, and invest in the arts. If past is prologue, then let us remember that: Art promotes creativity; Art promotes vision; Art promotes unity; Art promotes curiosity; Art promotes equality; Art promotes spontaneity; Art promotes cultural significance; Art promotes spirituality; Art promotes intellect; Art inspires universal continuity; Art PROMOTES….

Join us as we embark upon an incredible journey: one that allows talented musicians to realize their potential; one that shares its passion and love of music with all facets of society, thus enhancing their level of joy and power of creativity in all endeavors; one that fosters arts leadership and forward thinking in an all-inclusive, non-discriminatory environment; and one that will pave the way for future projects we may yet not even comprehend. REMEMBER…. A world without music and the arts becomes a world without!